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About lilyma马莉


Living as art








马莉于05年毕业于北京电影学院导演系,其影视作品:《正义联盟》、《盗版猫》、《我的爷爷是老兵》、《机缘》、《妈妈的春天》等;国际纪录片《被遗忘的皇后号》、《致荣誉与和平》、《深海战⼠》、《珍珠港真相》等,并参演影视剧。马莉是上海市广播影视制作业行业协会 微电影专业委员会副主任委员;台湾电影制作发展协会海外荣誉委员。


音乐作品有《胭脂荼蘼》系列:《杜乐丽花园迷魂调》Jardin des Tuileries、《新月调》Crescent Moon、《橘园美术馆》 Musee De I’Orangerie、《开篇》、《莲花夫人》等 ;

lilyma (Ma Li) is a Chinese painter, actor, opera performer, musician, writer and movie producer. Member of The International Association of Visual Artists “IAVA".

Oil painting is one of her artistic focuses at the moment.

"I believe that arts have no boundaries. All my art creations, in various formats, come from life, my thoughts about love and society.

Those ‘Emotions and Expressions’ were the natural birth of my impulses but not just descriptions. “

Selected artworks on art magazines :

  • lilyma’s art works, more than 60 pieces, were featured in the art pieces of Huang Yimei (played by Liu Yifei) in the 38 episodes TV series of "The Tale of Rose." The drama was broadcast on June 6, 2024, on cCTV 8, Tencent Video, Central 1, Dragon TV, and Jiangsu TV. It was also broadcast overseas in countries such as South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, Portugal, Vietnam, and Thailand. 🔗Art Trends The Tale Of Rose, Huang Yimei And Lilyma马莉

lilyma’s prose fiction novels “Age Of Innocence” & “The Winter of Paris” were published online in 2019 with the formats in E-books and audio books on various platforms.

As an opera actress, lilyma was awarded the Outstanding Performance Award in 2000 and Wen Hua Award (Nation’s highest award in professional stage arts) in 2002 by National Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China.

She have been participating in creating a series of experimental music by mixing Chinese opera and poem with western music since 2011.

The films & TV works lilyma was involved as a producer and an actress include : Copy cat (2009), My Awesome Grandpa(2017), Legend Of Heroes (2015), 7 days, Mother’s Spring, Ji Yuan (2009). etc

lilyma is SFTPA Shanghai Broadcasting Film & Television P roducers Association Micro Film Committee Vice director; and Taiwan Film Production and Development Association Overseas Honorary Member;

包林 Bao Lin & lilyma 马莉

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