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  • 作家相片Bellamind

Alain Kuropatwa


Alain Kuropatwa

Partner/ Art consultant

Inventor of the artwork identity card (1994) patent registration

Former President of the Association for Artwork Private Heritage (A3P)

Former Vice President of the Collectors' Club

Collaboration with the art analysis laboratories LT, LAE

Airbus Aérospatiale Bordeaux, IACC...

Current director of the publication of the magazine Creation associated with the following research groups: Francisco Goya y Luciendes, Constantin Brancusi .......


(A3P) 艺术品私人遗产协会前主席


与艺术分析实验室LT, LAE合作


现任法国艺术趋势 Art Trends 杂志出版总监,.


About lilyma’s Art:

Cataloging art? The history of art merges with that of the societies in which it finds its origin. This is partly true, for the decor. But never forget that creation remains an essentially individual process. lilyma’s work resembles her: a woman with a thousand facets, both unique and multiple, an actress, she is her own spectacle on the stage of life. A curiosity about things in the world, a cultural richness, and an appetite for research to understand each other...a total work of implementation of what it is, without complacency, to best respond to the principle of Wisdom "Know you yourself". lilyma is a total artist Poet, painter, musician, ...and director.. The two names of 20th century Western art? Picasso and Matisse In China, lilyma could be their heiress.

编目艺术?艺术史与它所在的社会的历史融为一体。 对于装饰来说,这部分是正确的。 但永远不要忘记,创造本质上仍然是一个个人的过程。

lilyma马莉的作品很像她本人:一个千面的女人,既独特又多重,一个女演员,她是自己人生舞台上的奇观。 对世界事物的好奇心,文化的丰富性,以及对研究以了解彼此的渴望......全面实施它的工作,毫不自满,最好地回应“了解你自己”的智慧原则lilyma 是个十足的艺术家 诗人、画家、音乐家……和导演……


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