真实、随性、自由、敢爱敢恨;专注、凝视、反思、大胆表达。把花采作为美的象征,用≥本语言探索生命的意义与美的本质——这是艺术家 lilyma 马莉。从演员、导演到画家,每一个角色都是她对弹性人生的思考与演绎。
Authentic, spontaneous, free-spirited, and passionate - these words capture the essence of artist lilyma (Ma Li). Focused, contemplative, and boldly expressive, lilyma uses flowers as symbols of beauty to explore the meaning of life and the essence of aesthetics through her art. From actress and director to painter, each role represents her exploration and interpretation of a life lived with flexibility and resilience.
The TV drama "The Tale of Rose" is directed by Wang Jun, with art direction by Wang Jing. The art team is a very excellent group. From the end of October 2022 to the completion of filming in November 23, there was a year-long process of selecting and communicating with me. If the artwork resonates with the plot, characters, and audience, it can only be said that sincere and genuine emotions are intertwined and resonant. The artwork "Pink Beach No.26" in episodes 29 and 32 of the art gallery's secret room is based on the selected artwork. The composition is based on the first piece "Pink Beach No.1" of my art book "Emotion and Expression" , painted in 2016.
粉色沙滩(2 幅)
The pink beach
Material材料: 油画画布 Oil painting on canvas
系列Series: 系列 Series:《静物风景系列》Still Life & Landscape《海洋和沙滩》 The Oceans and Beaches
Size 尺寸: 122.3x89.5cm/106x77cm
创作日期 Date:2023
刊登Published|Art Trends 艺术趋势法国
文Article|莫莉的世界:《玫瑰的故事》灵魂伴侣和粉红沙滩 Soulmates communicated by Pink Beach
文Artical|海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 5,粉红沙滩 Pink Beach|展期至10月27日 上海 HOW昊美术馆
今晚CCTV 8 电视剧频道与腾讯视频19:30播出《玫瑰的故事》。38集电视剧《玫瑰的故事》是由汪俊执导、李潇编剧,由刘亦菲、佟大为领衔主演,林更新特邀主演,万茜领衔主演,林一、彭冠英特别出演,霍建华特别主演,朱珠等主演的都市情感剧。
Tonight, CCTV 8 TV drama channel and Tencent Video will broadcast "The Tale of Rose" at 19:30. The 38-episode TV drama "The Tale of Rose" is directed by Wang Jun, written by Li Xiao, and stars Liu Yifei and Tong Dawei. It also features special appearances by Lin Gengxin, Wan Qian, Lin Yi, Peng Guanying, and a special starring role by Huo Jianhua, with Zhu Zhu and others in leading roles in this urban emotional drama.
秋日印象:人间尤物 The Stunning Beauties
秋日印象:人间尤物 The Stunning Beauties (1幅)
系列 Series:《静物风景系列》Still Life & Landscape
材料Material:丙烯画布 Acrylic on canvas/混合材料 Mixed materials
创作日期 Date:2022
文Article| 莫莉的世界:《玫瑰的故事》黄亦玫的小屋与“尤物”展中的《黑夜里的朱槿花》
刊登Published|Art Trends 艺术趋势法国 2024
文Article|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 7 花开艳丽时即向衰朽行 Romance of the live and death
《玫瑰的故事》The Tale of Rose 预告片2:粉红沙滩 Pink Beach NO.4
2024.5.24 晨 法国巴黎 lilyma马莉
Yesterday, the second teaser for the TV series "The Tale of Rose" was released. Liu Yifei looked absolutely stunning! Haha, both Lv Xin and I are totally captivated by her beauty. I also spotted one of my own works: "Pink Beach" No. 4.
May 24, 2024, in Paris, France. Morning.
—— #玫瑰故事 🎬 首支预告 ——
▶️ 心动·婚姻·陪伴·自由
莫莉花色 NO.1 (1幅)
The Fantasy: Moli’s Heart
Material材料: 油画画布 Oil painting on canvas
Series系列:《莫莉花色》Moli's fantasy
Size 尺寸: 50x60cm
创作日期 Date:2016
刊登Published|Art Trends 艺术趋势法国
文Artical|莫莉花色 Moli's Fantasy :侧面的强迫症 My OCD
The Jiangnan scenery part:The beauty on Taihu Lake
系列Series: 《江南景》The Jiangnan scenery part
Material: 油画画布 Oil painting on canvas
Size: 150x100cm
创作日期 Date:2020-2023
奖Prize|获奖:威尼斯飞马国际艺术奖 International Prize PEGASUS for the Arts the Arts
演Performance|电视剧《玫瑰故事》The Tale of Rose
文Artical|《玫瑰的故事》中的江南景系列 The JiangNan Part in 'The Tale of Rose'
文Artical|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER PART 14|江南春、江南秋、江南的我 Jiang Nan blood
Rosarubus: My first roses of 2021(Sketch)
系列 Series:《静物风景系列》Still Life & Landscape
材料 Material: 油画画布 Oil painting on canvas
尺寸 Size: 50x60cm
创作日期Date: 2021
展EXHIBITION|意大利巴勒莫国际艺术双年展 International Biennial of Art in the World 2021
刊登Published|Art International Contemporary Magazine 国际当代艺术杂志 2021年9-10月刊
文Artical|情绪与表达|冬后第一批玫瑰与蔷薇 Rosarubus: My first roses of 2021
芍药花开 2020(1幅剧组复刻版)
The Common Peony sketching
系列 Series:《静物风景系列》Still Life & Landscape
材料Material:水彩 Watercolors
创作日期 Date:2020.4.19
画册Artbook|《情绪与表达》Emotion and Expression’ 2016-2021, lilyma马莉
Autumn impression: The Roses on my window
系列 Series:《静物风景系列》Still Life & Landscape
材料Material:丙烯画布 Acrylic on canvas/混合材料 Mixed materials
创作日期 Date:2022
Autumn impression:The Lantana camara and Roses on my window
系列 Series:《静物风景系列》Still Life & Landscape
Material: 丙烯画布 Acrylic on canvas/混合材料 Mixed materials
Size: 20x20cm
创作日期 Date: 2022
文Artical| 时间某处,似曾相识 Somewhere in time
秋日印象:人间尤物大丽花 5(1幅)
Autumn impression:The stunning dahlias on my table
系列 Series:《静物风景系列》Still Life & Landscape
材料Material:丙烯画布 Acrylic on canvas/混合材料 Mixed materials
创作日期 Date:2022
文Article|莫莉的世界:规律这件事 The Law
文Artical|人间尤物大丽花 Autumn impression,The stunning dahlias on my table
甘南藏区 (写生)在德哇仓佛爷的花园里(2幅)
Southern GanSu Tibetan Area:Dewatan Buddha’s Garden
系列Series: 《藏区》Tibetan Area
Material: 油画画板 Oil painting on canvas
创作日期 Date: 2017-2020
文Article| 莫莉的世界:《玫瑰的故事》里的江南景、粉紫色天空上的鱼儿、色彩的情绪纠缠
画册Artbook|《情绪与表达》Emotion and Expression’ 2016-2021, lilyma马莉 粉紫色的天空上鱼儿游啊游 Fishes swimming in the pink and purple sky
文Artical|海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 6,月明云淡露华浓 Cloud laced moon, misty halo