展期 Exhibition period:2024年08月10日-2024年10月27日
艺术家 Artist:lilyma马莉
策展人 Curator:郑果 ZhengGuo、许子慧 Xu Zihui
策展助理 Curator Assistant:王俞莛 Wang Yuting
VIP Exhibition Hall, 3rd Floor, HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, China
No. 1, Lane 2277, Zuchongzhi Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
主办:HOW昊美术馆 HOW Art Museum
特别支持:妙可蓝多 Milk Ground
赞助:力保健 Lipovitan、义笙万 Yi Sheng Wan

黄亦玫(刘亦菲 饰)美术作品由lilyma马莉原创
Huang Yimei's artwork is created
by lilyma Ma Li Original
Il y a quelques jours, dans mon atelier, une pensée m’a frappée comme de l’encre renversée sur du papier de riz :
« Peut-être ai-je trouvé mon amour le plus pur et mon plus fidèle amant—moi-même. Je suis ma propre flamme éternelle. »
(Oui, cela empeste le narcissisme. Supportez-moi un instant.)
Cet amour de soi me semble radicalement actif, voire altruiste (après tout, mon corps, mon esprit et mon âme sont enfin alignés — aucun conflit intérieur, seulement une collaboration). Mais alors, je me suis demandé : qu’est-ce qui définit l’« altruisme » ? Qu’est-ce qui marque l’« égoïsme » ? Ils semblent être des pôles opposés. Pourtant, pourquoi ces concepts devraient-ils forcément s’opposer ? Est-ce parce que l’un et l’autre peuvent facilement être instrumentalisés en absolus moraux, déformés en prisons de jugement ?
真实、随性、自由、敢爱敢恨;专注、凝视、反思、大胆表达。把花采作为美的象征,用≥本语言探索生命的意义与美的本质——这是艺术家 lilyma 马莉。从演员、导演到画家,每一个角色都是她对弹性人生的思考与演绎。
Authentic, spontaneous, free-spirited, and passionate - these words capture the essence of artist lilyma (Ma Li). Focused, contemplative, and boldly expressive, lilyma uses flowers as symbols of beauty to explore the meaning of life and the essence of aesthetics through her art. From actress and director to painter, each role represents her exploration and interpretation of a life lived with flexibility and resilience.
The word "yóu" was originally used to describe plants that were hindered but continued to grow, meaning excellent. Stunner represents excellent and beautiful people. In his poem Crossing Xiaogushan and Dagushan, the Song Dynasty poet Lu You used the word "Stunner" to describe the beautiful and distinctive scenery.
Artist lilyma's new solo exhibition Stunner intends to trace the origin, abandon the gaze and judgement of the external world, and use painting as a medium to convey the beauty of humanity and nature through the constant perception and dialogue between oneself and life. The artist presents her inner world without stinting, while at the same time acting as a lonely outsider, hiding the value of beauty itself in the seemingly lively flowers.
文Artical|海上故事《尤物》STUNNER, the Story of Shanghai summer PART 1
文Artical|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 2, 心中的雷管 The detonator in my heart
文Artical|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 4,人间尤物大丽花 The stunning dahlias on my table
文Artical|海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 5,粉红沙滩 Pink Beach|展期至10月27日 上海 HOW昊美术馆
文Artical|海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 6,月明云淡露华浓 Cloud laced moon, misty halo
文Artical|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 7 花开艳丽时即向衰朽行 Romance of the live and death
文Artical|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 8,立夏:玫瑰花园 Rose Story, Passion of LOVE
文Artical|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 10|离草多情,难舍难分 Paeonies are full of love
文Article|腾讯IP音乐会,有故事的歌《粉红沙滩》Pink Beach 26号,海上故事《尤物》STUNNER 12
文Artical|海上故事《尤物》STUNNER PART 13|我乃好色之人 I am a curious person
文Artical|莫莉的世界:海上故事《尤物》STUNNER PART 14|江南春、江南秋、江南的我 Jiang Nan blood
文Article|海上故事《尤物》STUNNER PART 15|暂定谢幕 acknowledge the applause
Painting flowers is a form of solitude.
Is there any flower that doesn't bloom in solitude?
I am not afraid of being alone; I am afraid of the poverty and helplessness of my thoughts.
Art Trends 2023.12.12 Paris
—— #玫瑰故事 🎬 首支预告 ——
▶️ 心动·婚姻·陪伴·自由
其实,我们去到一个地方,始终是过客,来就来了,走就走了。 这不是我们全部的生活,却是生活的一部分,将美景放入心中,画进作品里,无论是碎片化拼凑起来,又或者是抽离去观赏,终究形成的是一个故事。
Actually, wherever we go, we are just passers-by. We come and we go. This is not our entire life, but it is a part of life. We put the beautiful scenery into our hearts and draw it into our works. Whether it is pieced together fragmentarily or observed from a distance, it eventually forms a story.
Humans are creatures who believe in stories.
And artists are most obsessed with pursuing a free spirit…
ART TRENDS|武夷行迹 The Wu Yi Scenery Part
疫情初期,我当时对此也无概念,就觉得危险。陶慧正在俄罗斯拍摄,那边疫情比我们这里严重。这些照片我是很熟悉的,就是这几张绘画的参考照。我一直以为她在拍一个跟舞蹈相关的片子,她本来舞蹈基本功就好……In the early stages of the epidemic, I had no concept of it at the time, I just felt that it was dangerous.Tao Hui is currently shooting in Russia, where the epidemic is more severe than here. I am very familiar with these photos, they are reference photos for these paintings. I always thought she was shooting a film related to dance, as she has a good foundation in dance. She had been practicing by pressing the back of her foot before shooting.
ART TRENDS| The Dancing actress Tao Hui 2023.7.31 Paris
In the company of flowers, immerse oneself in their fragrance and make it one's clothing
展出地点:英国 伦敦 庇护大教堂
The "Asylum Chapel", located in the heart of the LONDON city. Vernissage for the opening ceremony
颁奖典礼:2022年12月7日,英国 伦敦 庇护大教堂December 7th, 2022, in the Hall of the Asylum Chapel
情绪与表达 | 甘孜远处那座宝石山 Garzê Scenery
4th International Prize Leonardo da Vinci
颁奖典礼:2022年2月6日,意大利佛罗伦萨的波勒盖塞宫 February 6th, 2022 at the Borghese Palace - Florence
Marché de l'Art et Découverte de l'Art
莫莉的世界M o li' s Heart By lilyma马莉
ART TRENDS|法国艺术趋势 艺术推荐合集
ART TRENDS|Lily Ma vous souhaite ses meilleurs voeux 2021.12.28
My first roses of 2021
系列 Series:《胭脂荼蘼》RosaRubus
法国ART TRENDS 艺术趋势 :艺术市场与艺术发现
Marché de l'Art et Découverte de l'Art
International Contemporary Exhibition “COMING-OUT”
2021 米兰国际当代展
主办机构:M.A.D.S Gallery Milano
展览地点:Corso San Gottardo 18 20136 Milano
2021.6.25-7.4 米兰·意大利
丙烯画布 Acrylic painting on canvas/混合材料Mixed materials;100x150cm;2020-2021
法国ART TRENDS 艺术趋势 :艺术市场与艺术发现
Marché de l'Art et Découverte de l'Art
情绪与表达 | 脸 Face
ART TRENDS|法国艺术趋势 艺术推荐合集
艺术的文化底蕴与艺术家的创意给相关的产业带来了生机,当下艺术展览、影视剧的作品、艺术品的收藏等等产业当中所呈现的艺术形式多种多样,而新时代的艺术与科技的融合也是催生出了新质生产力。本期节目邀请到两位艺术家,看看他们对于艺术发展的思考,一起走进他们的《醇享人生》。 马莉(lilyma),艺术家,专注于油画和⽔彩创作。还涉足写作、音乐、影视制作等多个领域,她的绘画作品进入多个国际展览,曾获得第四届、第六届国际达芬奇奖、巴黎国际奖等荣誉。电视剧《玫瑰的故事》中大部分绘画作品由马莉原创。 王竞,美术指导,他曾担任《山海情》、《小舍得》、《理智派生活》、《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》、《玫瑰的故事》等热播影视剧的美术指导。2019年凭借《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》获得第25届上海电视节白玉兰奖最佳美术提名奖 。
International Prize Leonardo da Vinci
April 13th, 2024 at the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" - Milan
Lingxia is an actress, dancer, and martial artist. She created “Zen Dance” and teaches these classes in France. Over the years, she has gained insights and combined them with Alexandre del Perugia’s performance studies, which has brought surprising interpretations and understandings of the body. The three of us often discuss the Western region, martial arts, dance, acrobatics, and Western performance from multiple perspectives when we were in Paris. We each speak a different language: Chinese, French, and English, and we are not fluent in any of them. Later, there was another language called body language, which made communication borderless.
ART TRENDS|当女人恋爱了…… When a women falls in love
电视剧《玫瑰故事》The Tale of Rose 剧照 1
昨天,在《玫瑰故事》剧组发布了首发剧照中,发现了lilyma马莉艺术作品《莫莉花色》No.1 。
Yesterday, in the release of the first promotional stills of the drama "The Tale of Rose".There was one of my painting "Moli's Fantasy" No.1 on the post.
At late April, I have nearly 60 oil paintings and is participating in the filming of "The Tale of Rose." And it representing the leading lady Huang Yi Mei.…
文Article|莫莉花色 Moli's Fantasy:侧面的强迫症 My OCD
下午4:00,吕新两口子来接我,我们电影小分队要去看《碟中谍》7了,看之前呢吃顿心心念念的烤肉。吃的油腻,看完电影都没有消化。 我在回家路上就给孟媛打电话怎么轻断食,像我这种吃多了的情况……孟媛问得很细,我吃肉了,有没有主食碳水,怎么解决……At 4:00pm, Mr. and Mrs. Huang (Lv Xin) came to pick me up. Our movie squad was going to watch “Mission: Impossible 7”. Before watching the movie, we had a long-awaited barbecue. The food was greasy, and I couldn’t digest it after watching the movie. On my way home, I called Meng Yuan to ask her how to do a light fasting, considering my situation of overeating…Meng Yuan asked in great detail, whether I had eaten meat, whether I had consumed carbohydrates, and how to resolve it…
展出和颁奖典礼:2023年5月18日3pm,威尼斯圣特奥多罗大学 May 18th, 2023 at the Scuola Grande of San Teodoro - Venice
刊登杂志:International Prize PEGASUS for the Arts 威尼斯飞马国际艺术奖/ "CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS" Vol. III《当代名人大师》第三卷
挪威,奥斯陆 Verse Gallery in Oslo, Norway,Pilestredet 41B, 0166 Oslo, Norway
新加坡 Exp_SG Gallery 340A Joo Chiat Rd, Singapore
挪威文化中心主办Norwegian Cultural Center
展出地点:法国巴黎 卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔艺术购物中心(10月21日至23日)Art Shopping Carrousel du Louvre(21/23 october)
颁奖典礼:2022年10月22日,巴黎玛莱区的中心画廊October 22th, 2022, in the Art Gallery, located in the heart of Marais – Paris
Le journal de Moli -莫莉日记- Moli’s Diary par Lily Ma
ART TRENDS 法国艺术趋势杂志 2022年3月8日上线专栏《莫莉日记》Moli’s Diary March8, 2022 Online
My first roses of 2021
系列 Series:《胭脂荼蘼》RosaRubus
©️2021 Moli's Heart 莫莉的世界
(Release October 15th of 2021)
情绪与表达 | 粉红沙滩 Pink Beach
情绪与表达 | 武夷行迹 The Wu Yi Scenery Part
法国ART TRENDS 艺术趋势 :艺术市场与艺术发现
Marché de l'Art et Découverte de l'Art
《陷入怪圈的人》Caught in freak cycle
尺寸Size: 200x150cm
ART TRENDS|法国艺术趋势 艺术推荐合集
International Association of Visual Artists IAVA
国际视觉艺术家协会 2021年 会员