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  • 作家相片lilyma Studio

lilyma 马莉|西班牙ART ANTHOLOGY 2021艺术年鉴 ART ANTHOLOGY III: Madrid Edition



2021 Art Year Book

(Release October 15th of 2021)


西班牙杂志Guto Ajayu Culture



"ART ANTHOLOGY III: Madrid Edition" art Year book 2021, Madrid version, is collected in the Spanish National Library. The artist's works, along with images, videos, and text, will be exhibited in Madrid in October of this year.



Artwork Videos


The ocean

Pink Beach 4

系列 Series:静物风景系列Still Life & Landscape/海洋与沙滩The Oceans and Beaches

音乐 Music:Bayou Dakar Bluez 《 海天悠,问冰蟾何处涌?》

作曲 Compose:Paolo Marcuzzi (法)

词 Lyrics: "Ji Xian Bin" 《牡丹亭》【集贤宾 】from Chinese Kun Opera: ‘Search for the Dream’

绘画 Artist/作词 Lyrics/演唱 Song:lilyma马莉

视频 Video:许臣斌 Sandy Xu

创作日期 Date:2020-2021

©️2021 莫莉的世界 Moli's Heart





During the pandemic, I started a period of seclusion for creative work that has lasted for three and a half years. I have missed going out to enjoy the sceneries, but unfortunately, it was the truth.

So, I decided to bring the landscapes back home and capture them on canvas, as a way to possess the beauty I was longing for.

However, my art is not just a mere representation of landscapes, it also reflects the wildness, passion, and tranquility of the human soul. It's like life itself, with its ups and downs, joys and sorrows, everything is an expression of life.


WUYI,Springs in the rock

系列 Series:静物风景系列Still Life & Landscape

音乐 Music:Musee De I’Orangerie 橘园美术馆

作曲 Compose:Paolo Marcuzzi (法)

绘画 Artist/作词 Lyrics/演唱 Song:lilyma马莉

视频 Video:许臣斌 Sandy Xu

创作日期 Date:2020-2021

©️2021 莫莉的世界 Moli's Heart


I once thought, why not just stay at home until October this year. But how long can I really self-isolate for?! Based on my hyperactive and impatient nature, I curiously asked myself. It seems like fate, another challenge brought by the heavens, allowing me to find something that can both torture myself and help me pass the time smoothly, and discover my own way during these endless waiting days.

Of course, these days are not easy, and I have not left the two-kilometer radius for a long time. Going out is mostly for running, picking up packages doesn't count, and picking up packages are usually large items that I have to carry on my bike or push with a shopping cart, sometimes I have to resist on my own. It wasn't until Bao Bao called me and mentioned the idea of going to Wuyishan.

Bao Bao was going to find a man name is PO SHUI.

I was restless at home for a few days without painting... Wuyishan, this was a bit tempting for me. So I found an excuse for myself and went to Wuyishan on July 21st.

Also because...

I had to make a decision that had been bothering me for a long time on July 21st.

I could go through the process of this decision while sitting on the train, walking alone for thousands of kilometres...

2020.7.30 午后 lilyma马莉




系列 Series:冬日巴黎 The Winter of Paris

音乐 Music:新月调 Crescent Moon (冬日巴黎2017)Live

作曲 Compose:Paolo Marcuzzi (法)

绘画 Artist/作词 Lyrics/演唱 Song:lilyma马莉

视频 Video:许臣斌 Sandy Xu

创作日期 Date:2020-2021

©️2021 莫莉的世界 Moli's Heart

lilyma (Ma Li)


Pintora, actriz, intérprete de ópera, música, escritora y productora cinematográfica china. Artista multidisciplinar, actualmente la pintura al óleo es uno de sus focos artísticos. Ha publicado dos novelas autobiográficas, Age of Innocence (La edad de la inocencia) y The Winter of Paris (El invierno de París), publicadas en línea como libros electrónicos y audiolibros en diversas plataformas. Ha recibido premios por su trabajo como intérprete de ópera; el Ministerio de Cultura de la República Popular China le concedió el Premio a la Interpretación Sobresaliente en 2000 y el Premio Wen Hua (el más alto galardón del país en las artes escénicas profesionales) en 2002. Desde 2011 participa en la creación de una serie de música experimental que mezcla la ópera y el poema chinos con la música occidental. También ha participado como productora y actriz de cine y televisión. " Creo que las artes no tienen fronteras. Todas mis creaciones artísticas, en diversos formatos, surgen de la vida, de mis pensamientos sobre el amor y la sociedad.

Chinese painter, actor, opera performer, musician, writer and film producer. A multidisciplinary artist, at the moment oil painting is one of her artistic focuses. He has published two autobiographical novels Age of Innocence and The Winter of Paris, which were published online as e-books and audiobooks on various platforms. She has received awards for her work as an opera performer, the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China awarded her the Outstanding Performance Award in 2000 and the Wen Hua Award (the nation's highest award in professional performing arts) in 2002. She has been participating in creating a series of experimental music mixing Chinese opera and poem with Western music since 2011. She has also been involved as a producer and actress for film and television.

In her words:

" I believe that arts have no boundaries. All my artistic creations, in various formats, stem from life, my thoughts about love and society. Those "emotions and expressions" were the natural birth of my impulses, but not only descriptions".




Dirección de proyecto/ Project direction: Augusto Mendoza Mendieta

Gestión cultural/Cultural Management: Zdenka Mendoza Mendieta

Revisióny corrección de textos en español/Review and correction of texts in Spanish: Lilian Farías

Revisión y corrección de textos eninglés/ Review and correction of texts in English: Abma Yousuf

Diseñode portada y contraportada/ Cover and back cover design: Augusto Mendoza Mendieta

Introducción/ Introduction: Eduardo Jáudenes de Salazar

Trabajocuratorial/Trabajocuratorial:Guto Ajayu Culture

ISBN: 978-84-18874-20-8

D.L: M-23650-2021

Editadopor/ Editedby: LIBER FACTORY

Trabajo editorial/ Editorial work: Grupo Editor Visionnet

C./ San Ildefonso 17, local, 28012 Madrid. España.

Tlf: 0034 913 117696


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