风景静物 Scenery
lilyma马莉 artwork
海洋 The Ocean
《粉红沙滩》系列 Pink beach、《勒萨布雷海滩的落日》Sunset on Les Sablettes beach 、《宿务蓝海-航海》Blue you and pink me ……
园景 Garden view
《红颜:树海棠立庭院》The Beauty、《胭脂荼蘼-荼蘼爬上裙钗线》Rusa Rubus、《杏花一枝墙头来》The apricot tree、《禁闭的时间》The quarantine time等;
江南景系列 The Jiangnan scenery part
太湖离我的老家,开车也就2、30分钟。我从北方回到太湖边小住,那几天父母来陪我度了一个假。这也是我们近几十年来最和谐、最最高兴的几天。 我当时就在想,以后回江南,这是一个好去处。 此情、此景,和谐、宁静。听! 风声,树声,虫子的声音,湖水声,他们在说话。这种声音也跟着我回了北方 就算不出门,这景这情嘛,本身就在我的骨血里。
My hometown is just a 20 to 30-minute car ride away, and during my stay in Taihu Lake, my parents came to accompany me for a vacation. Those days were the most harmonious and happiest days for us in recent decades. I thought to myself, in the future, Taihu Lake would be a great place to go back to. Painting or living.
The scenery was serene and tranquil, and I felt like I was in a symphony. I could hear the wind blowing, the trees swaying, the insects chirping, and the lake whispering. Even after returning to Beijing, those sounds continue to echo in my ears. And the memories of that peaceful scene are forever etched in my blood.
花卉静物 Still Life
《深秋的月季和百日草》Rose and zinnia in late autumn、《胭脂荼蘼》系列 RosaRubus、《黑夜里的朱槿花》Hibiscus flower in the night、《花开堪折直须折》Gather your rosebuds while you may《春日印象》Spring impressions、《秋日印象》Autumn impressions、《冬日印象》Winter Impressions……
玫瑰的故事|色彩是一种情绪的纠缠《秋日印象》之桌上的玫瑰、欧月、百日菊 The roses and Zinnia on my table
玫瑰的故事|情感的表达和隐喻,用在了《玫瑰的故事》里 The Tale of Rose, there is metaphors
展览杂志|ART TRENDS 法国艺术趋势:画花是一种孤独 Painting flowers is a form of solitude 2023.12.12 Paris
展览杂志|ART TRENDS 法国艺术趋势:《玫瑰、芍药与陶慧》 Roses, peonies, and Tao Hui 2023.5.21【法国 France】
风景 Landscape
《大湖》 The Great lakes 、《奥林匹克森林公园一角》Olympic Forest Park、《冬日巴黎》The Winter of Paris、《禁闭的春夏》系列 Closed Spring and Summer……
藏区 The Tibetan Areas
甘南藏区 系列Southern GS Tibetan Area、九寨沟Jiuzhaigou Valley 、黄龙Huang Long、甘孜 Garzê Scenery、巴松措源头之新措 Tibetan area: New Tso, the source of Baksum Lake
武夷行记 Sketch at WuYi Mountain
佛像几则 The figure of Buddha