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作家相片lilyma Studio

Moli's Heart: Fish story《莫莉家鱼鱼的故事》 series 1




Moli's Heart: Fish story series 1




Fish story, a story to tell babes.

Our love is very laborious. At the 10 months, we are apart from each other 9000km. Our love story is a legend. It's in my novel "Winter Parisr", and our love story is an accident, is the last chapter of the novel, chapter 20 and fine ending. Last year I was intuitive with my art works. About sex, humanity, nature and passions. This year, I want to try different way. In a fun way, that's healthier, cuter, more  interesting, for all ages. After all, I want to tell my future children andstep-childrens about this story. How mom and dad across races, colors, nationals, cultural, religious, but fall in love with pure heart strongly. As love is our duty and human nature, and it was most beautiful thing I desire for. And the intimacy is normal act. (after all, in China we has different explanations for love and intimacy and habit). Therefore, the idea of "Fish Story" series appeared in half a month, with this works.

A fun-filled life makes you young and energetic. I will always be curiosity, and effectiveness executive about a lot of things. I firmly believe that my intrinsic value is to create beauty.

It's the same for me whether it's singing on stage, making music, being a filmmaker, writing, painting or cooking. To preserve beauty and love, record true feelings and dialectical philosophy, that's how my way to love.

--lilyma 马莉 2018.10.8 Night Beijing


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©️ Moli's Heart 莫莉的世界

by lilyma马莉

莫莉工作室 Moli's Studio

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