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Jardin des Tuileries - Soul maze《杜乐丽花园—迷魂调》

作家相片: lilyma Studiolilyma Studio

Jardin des Tuileries 1


材料Material: 油画画布 Oil painting on canvas

尺寸Size: 30x40cm

创作日期 Date:2017


Place Vendome (巴黎凡多姆广场)让我想起了三个人。我问Cat,你知道这是哪里?Cat说是杜乐丽花园,身后的Place Vendome.

Jardin des Tuileries - Soul maze


作词 Lyrics:lilyma 马莉(2017.11.27 afternoon

演唱、独白 Sing/Solo:lilyma 马莉

音乐制作人 Music:Paolo Marcuzzi

录音棚 Studio:MOTOCO Mulhouse

英文背景女声 Background English:Thashira

录音 Sound: Luna & Alex


(Paolo Marcuzzi): Fly home. Fly home……

(lilyma): Salut . tu es beau . Aime moi?

我这一生也就是为情所困了罢 【Tis my life, I think... to be lost in love】

能爱是一种能力,会爱是另一种能力 【To love is an ability, but to know how to love is an enablement 】

爱特么谁谁是更大的能力 【To be able to bask in love is the greatest ability】

嗯,也许这就是失魂落魄的感觉罢【Maybe this is what I lost; for he took my soul away】

有些人,有些景,看一眼就寂寞了【For some people and some scenes, one look and you feel dreary】


你跟我一起走过的, 你还记得吗? 【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body. Do you remember?】

(Paolo Marcuzzi): Fly home……

有些人(你跟我一起走过的)【For some people...(That you were there with me)】

(Paolo Marcuzzi): Fly home……

My love, I miss you so much, so~~~

有些人(My love) ,有些景,看一眼就寂寞了【For some people and some scenes, one look and you feel dreary】

有些人,有些景,看一眼就寂寞了 【For some people and some scenes, one look and you feel dreary】


就是这样走在杜乐丽花园的 【That’s how it is, passing by the Jardin des Tuileries】

你知道的【You knew it】

你和我一起走过的 【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

你跟我一起走过的 【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

你还记得吗?【Do you remember?】


(Lilyma Singing part 中国锡剧 Xi opera of China, 迷魂调,来自《嫁媳》变调)

风卷残荷正秋天 【Cold leaves rolls with the Autumn wind】8

你跟我一起走过的【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

你还记得吗?【Do you remember?】

你跟我一起走过的。【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

My love I miss you so much.

我沿着我们走过的路去找他(My love)【I tracked the roads we took, but where is he?】

我在我们带过的空间里【I stood in same space where we to stood】

寻找他存在的气息【Just to feel if he still exists】

嗯,也许这就是失魂落魄的感觉吧……【Maybe this is what I lost; for he took my soul away】

也许这就是失魂落魄的感觉吧……【Maybe this is what I lost; for he took my soul away】

你跟我一起走过的【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

你还记得吗?【Do you remember?】

你跟我一起走过的。【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】


(Paolo Marcuzzi): Fly home. Fly home……

你跟我一起走过的【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

你还记得吗?【Do you remember?】

你跟我一起走过的。【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

(Lilyma Singing part 中国锡剧 Xi opera of China, 迷魂调,来自《嫁媳》变调)

风卷残荷正秋天 【Cold leaves rolls with the Autumn wind】8

梧桐叶落满阶前 【Shrunken leaves scatters on the steps】8

万物皆有回春时 【All nature renews when spring comes】 8

我却是 【But for me】枯草除根无生年 【dried leaves, no roots, has no more years】3+8

你跟我一起走过的【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

你还记得吗?【Do you remember?】

你跟我一起走过的。【You know then, that you were there with me in soul and body】

My love

I Miss you so much, So...

My love

(Thashira sing) :

Where are you my baby?

Where were you when I want to love you, love you baby.

You stole my heart, you stole my soul.


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